For those that respected me, BEST WISHESS !!!!!
Did i say i'm better producer than someone?? xD You are fucking crazy, There must be something missing in your brain dude...
i did have put embers breaks ass genre, maybe it is not yet updated or you are tolking aboute the key words in the describtion ?? O_o
For comparison take a lissen to this breakbeat track
And to this one
There's a difference ?
Now intvew with big star from "Embers Breaks" StickstickssticktDJs:
How long maeking style "Embers Breaks"?
Flaming in this gener for liek long time now, pretty musch from the first begining of "Embers Breaks", before rise of this gener was making mad rave, almost same jsut "Embers Breaks" need lock on 145bmp and more sticks else its same.
When 145 BPM, what sticks uyou use to maek sound fast aspect like DnB?
Pple comfuse sometime stick with cowbel and NO embers will never use cowbel it use sticks, if you hear cowbel its most liekly just usual breaks..
How Stickstickstickstickers feel about many pple who hate "Embers Breaks" and say is just Breaks *even tho no Amen?*
Sounds liek a absourd to my ears. Since long i are makng the embers cos is like flammes peopel never tired on the dancefloor floor, but when a usual breaks tune start play they all loose the flamme and go buy to drink or soemthing, Local djs can not get this style cos they dont produce but embers breaks are harder to find as its new style so they ask me and Bert cos we produce it.
when Prodigy musics first punch you in ear, what age have you? And now how must Keith and LLLian feels now Emberks maek finished what they attempt?
It think they are angry with mono BKT cos he think up genre name first not them but nice try LOL
Now we give away the one and first and only "Embers Breaks" anthem, is original track, we releis it today so you are first to know about it if you reading. We releis it on bandcamp, it is pay wat you liek or taek it free, but consider pay infinite monies cos i owe bert a 10$ for sinth he selled me but it not work so i ask to give back but he said 'who the fool now?' cos i did rip him off year ago once for 15$.
Anyway heer is the track you can listen to it befor download - there are aleso instrumental version of this track on request availabke so vocal goes but sticks stays - the instrumental version is just Breaks (no embers but amen ect). Just check teh SickSticks DJs blog for moor inform and updaits -
suprot and all!
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<iframe style="position: relative; display: block; width: 400px; height: 100px" src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"><a href="">The Roof Is On Embers by SickSticks DJs</a></iframe>
Keep it real! :D
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